




Ooetry Oohs and ahs on life, mates, Hammer Horror, wild west heroes, being poked and celebrity’s dark side, Wendy’s first book with W.C.H.Publishing takes you ‘from ‘ere ‘ere to maturity’. A spoken word artist in London, Wendy also has an performing background, has taught poetry performance skills and reviewed for Disability Arts Online. She is a regular performer at Survivors (A-Z of Razz is a tribute to lauded MC).

Ooerty Can be found on South London Books

Wendy has had some poetry published in magazines and anthologies.

paper back £12.00 eBook £1.99

Product Details

ISBN 9780993229350
Edition FIRST
Publisher William Cornelius Harris publishing
Published 12 November 2015
Language English
Pages 32
Binding Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

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