When London Finally Gave In and Started to Love




When London Finally Gave In and Started to Love

optomize2-WhenLondon-150x150 When London Finally Gave In and Started to LoveFinally the fantastic performance poet Ernie Burns has penned his poems in a book,called When London Finally Gave in and Started to Love  so we can carry him around in our pockets! This collection ‘When London Finally is a superb distillation of five years of his writing; full of what Ernie writes best about, the heart! It’s texts are grubby with the sardonic soot of London’s glaucous city smog and an absolute spark of a poem entitled ‘Little Ember’ scatters light upon the cobbled streets.

Poem from When London Finally Gave in and Started to Love By Ernie Burns

                                                    Bad Day

Bad Day This is a “worse” day It holds “worse” for me And I fear more “worse” Is bound to appear Because “worse” is a curse That scares my “Okay” Muscles it out and packs it away It is going to be a terrible day

Because “worse” is a bad listener It does not care When I say In a stern admonishing tone “Bad day bad!”…It runs off Making people think I am mad Talking to a day like that And all I will get today is “Worse” So, how I will feel today is bad. free down load extract from the book.  London finally gave in and started to love extract

                            Also available for e reader from and all good online bookstore price £4.99


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Product Details

ISBN 9781291977066
Edition First
Publisher William Cornelius Harris
Published 07 December 2014
Language English
Pages 52
Binding Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight0.13 kg Dimensions (centimetres) 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

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