Seven Sins eBook




Seven Sins epub

  The name on my passport is Alcuin Edwards.

Extract from Seven Sins eBook : In a reversal of Dracula, Quinn Agathoni’s Transylvanian heroine, Janie Hunyadi, finds herself in the demon-haunted wilds of the Lincolnshire fens. In Seven SinseBook, she finds herself trapped under the power of a demon, and is forced to undergo an ordeal based on the Seven Deadly Sins. FREE DOWN LOAD EXTRACT CHAPTER 1-3 Seven Sins extract2 

In a reversal of Dracula, Quinn Agathoni’s Transylvanian heroine, Janie Hunyadi, finds herself in the demon-haunted wilds of the Lincolnshire fens. In Seven Sins eBook, she finds herself trapped under the power of a demon, and is forced to undergo an ordeal based on the Seven Deadly Sins. 

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Product Details

ISBN 9781326240707

Edition first
Published April 8, 2015
Language English
File Format ePub
File Size 71.58 KB

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 Format ePub
Required Software Any ePub Reader
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