
Habiba Hrida Special Offer

Original price was: £36.00.Current price is: £24.00.



Habiba Hrida Special Offer

3 books £24.00

making-it-Verseoptomize-150x150 Habiba Hrida Special OfferHabiba Hrida Special Offer 3 of Habiba books for £24.00 Welcome to  third collection of poetry, perfect for the fireside, the bedside, or even the roadside, full of lyrical rhymes on alternative themes that will stimulate and entertain you and hopefully, get your own creative juices flowing. I wanted to deliver a flow of poetry that enters the human psyche in a sensitive way, putting life’s  problems and experiences into context, reaching into the corners of life and shaking it out like a table cloth. Habiba book can be found on South London Books

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