The Bird of Morning eBook




The Bird of Morning eBook

The Bird of Morning eBook I live in South London with a husband, daughter and cat called Erwin and I am artist, poet and singer songwriter. For the last ten years I have narrated and performed my poems and songs all over London,  often as part of ‘Survivors’ poetry and music nights at the Poetry café in Covent Garden, London.

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 Poem from The Bird of Morning eBook


Because so many are torn away too soon too young; unsung, I’ll make a sacrament of every day, a hymn to every tree, to every cloud a song. And when the dusk and twilight fall, I will remember I will recall that each new day’s a gift. Because so many are torn away too soon; unsung, I will remember and remember well; one night, one day, I too shall be undone, my time will come. And I’ll be free to grow into the lineaments of a tree; a breath of cloud, a wave that rises and falls and sighs and sighs and sighs an amaranthine sea….

Product Details

ISBN 9781326239985
Edition First
Published 29 April 2015
Language English
File Format ePub
File Size 83.14 KB

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 Format ePub
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